Saturday, August 28, 2010

Student Developement Committees (SDC)

After meeting with SDC, they gave some suggestions of the issues in our campus.
First of all, due to the unfair act of TBR residents. Top management of UTAR had deal with Rukun Tetangga TBR together with top management of KTAR. As a result, the Rukun Teteangga refused to stop those actions as they had already bear for a long time. Thus, SDC suggested that every student who parks in TBR (in legal parking or illegal parking), please write down your contact number on a piece of paper. Since the Rukun Tetannga refuses to stop the actions, they felt that the petition is currently of no use. So, the petition will keep for the future usage.
Secondly, bus services for PV will be available. Although there will be some last minute incidents such as bus driver taking leave, there will ONLY affect the 7am bus.
Lastly, starting from next semester, the 1st floor of cabin in front of SE block will be our SRC room. There will notice with our consultation hours pasted on the door. If you have any question or problem, please feel free to visit us. Thank you.


  1. Hi, I was quite disappointed after i read this post. UTAR management had a deal with Rukun Tetangga, and the outcome was dissatisfy. So they tell us that the petition is currently no use. Is this the only thing UTAR can do? Well, I don't think so. They can't change TBR residents, but they could change themselves! TBR residents can do anything they want, because that's theirs housing area! But as a management of University, UTAR should do something to avoid this happen. They should figure out some way that UTAR can do, but not try to change the TBR resident. Did they ever think about the reason that cause this problem? It's because the parking issue in UTAR. Please think some way that are more reliable instead of issueing parking sticker! What we want is some way that can solve this problem forever. Now is week 14. We had bring up this problem since the first few week of this semester, and now UTAR tell us nothing they could do! And this problem will happen again and again during the coming semester! I really hope SRC and UTAR management could really think about this.

  2. Hi, Utar Management know the reason of this problem. since you said that think some way that more reliable mean you have some ideas how to change the parking in Utar. can you tell me Utar parking should how to implement? currently there are some students doing research for this parking issue. Utar management plan to collect all the data from these students then only find out the best way of parking system. honestly say that this Utar parking issue cannot be solve forever. the problem will still appear just with different situation only. but if and only if you really have the perfect solution you may provide us and we will bring it up.
